For NapoWriMo 2016, as a tribute to Ronnie Corbett, I’ve chosen to write my offerings using the previous day’s prompt.

Day 1: Seasons

Day 2: Spring

Day 3: You’ve been framed

Day 4: Letter to a fan

Day 5: October

Day 6: Purple Poppies

Day 7: Big Burger

Day 8: Spring fever

Day 9: Aster

Day 10: Home Comforts

Day 11: Read all about it

Day 12: Cool Beans

Day 13: Jane Eyre

Day 14: Reach for the stars

Day 15: Starstruck

Day 16: Peek in the keep

Day 17:  Whippets and Witches

Day 18:  Castrato

Day 19:  Doll and a Drum


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